Thursday, October 31, 2019

Writing a Prospectus Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Writing a Prospectus - Essay Example nt presents a short and snappy statement, which is backed up with literature and whose aim is to make clear the problem that makes the study worth to be conducted. The problem statement is followed by research questions, which are designed to express what the researcher is intending to achieve. The significance of the study provides back up on why the problem statement as well as the aim of the study is important. The conceptual framework is simply the theoretical foundation upon which the topic resolves - this further provides support for the topic. The researcher also formulates limitations and assumptions. Limitations define the factors that the researcher has no control over, such as resources and time. The assumptions are those issues that the researcher assumes so the research can be conducted within the relevant context. Towards the end of this chapter, it is important for the researcher to provide a definition of key terms, which are used in the rest of paper so the reader can understand them well (Cone & Foster, 2006). Review of the literature is usually the second chapter of the dissertation. It is in this chapter that the author writes what other theories, experts and researchers, among others; have written regarding the subject in question. Among the issues that should be covered in this chapter include the dependent and independent variables of the study, issues of measurement as well as a variety of alternative viewpoints. What is covered in this chapter must be congruent with the research questions and the aims of the study (Cone & Foster, 2006). This chapter in concerned with the methods of the study, which are used to help the researcher address the problem being investigated and answer the research questions raised in chapter one, as well as assist in testing of the hypothesis. In addition, the researcher is obliged to report on the population and sample of the study in this chapter. Specifically, the researcher must point out the technique

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

A preliminary short assignment of 1000 to 1500 words Essay

A preliminary short assignment of 1000 to 1500 words - Essay Example While autonomy simply resided on morals in its early years, views about this began to change in the 21st century. According to Dearden, autonomy is possible in all aspects of a person’s life. In addition, what a person thinks and does are determined by himself and personal autonomy is not just part of morality but an all-encompassing personal ideal (1975). This is in context with his previous writings which claims that a person can be autonomous based on three criteria. First, a person must form his own judgments on what to think and do. Second, a person is disposed critically to reflect on his or her own first-order judgments. Lastly, a person is â€Å"disposed to integrate his or her actual belief and conduct round these first-order and reflective judgments† (Dearden, Education and the development of reason, 1972). He further qualifies autonomy as a highly desirable aim of education. Top of Form Bottom of Form I, for one, agree with Dearden’s claim that persona l autonomy can be practiced in all levels of a person’s life, and is not only rooted in the context of morality. Furthermore, education should be a vehicle in promoting autonomy and autonomy must definitely be an aim of education. In fact, autonomy may be implemented and encouraged in certain levels, including, but certainly not limited to, sex education, religion, and language education. Sex education Sex education in school has always been a sensitive topic that is either supported or discouraged by conflicting philosophical views. However, it is believed that school sex education develops rational autonomy in students and thus allowing them to make more informed decisions regarding their sexual health. As mentioned earlier with reference to Dearden (1972), rational personal autonomy is â€Å"displayed by individuals who act intentionally, with understanding and without external controlling influences that determine their actions.† However, each of these three criter ia is faced with a problem especially when put in the context of young people because expecting them to be taking sexual actions, among others, unintentionally, fully understanding it, and with the absence of outsider controlling influences would be quite unrealistic. However, these criteria can actually be met to various degrees such that a successful sex education can be considered as playing a key role in enhancing rational personal autonomy. In addition, the idea of â€Å"understanding† is itself important because people have very different understandings about the facts concerning very important issues like homosexuality, masturbation and lifetime monogamy (Curren, 2007). Furthermore, it would be quite naive to equate the idea of having no presence of external controlling influences that decide an individual’s actions to be unaffected by the things that other people think, say or do. Clearly, with regard to our sexuality and sexual morals, no person is entire of i tself. Most importantly, a great volume of scientific articles provide evidence that through the rational sexual autonomy that an effective school sex education develops, the initiation of sexual intercourse is postponed among its recipients and the effective use of contraceptives is observed (Curren, 2007). Religion Interestingly, empirical evidence supports the idea that religion can develop

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Functionalism and Marxism: Education and Employment

Functionalism and Marxism: Education and Employment Sociologists study human society. Their subject matter includes human behaviour in various social contexts, social interaction, social institutions and organisation, social change and development (Haralmbos, Van Krieken, Smith Holborn 1999). For this reason, unemployment is an issue which sociologists delve. Unemployment has far reaching affects in all areas of society. Stratification in the areas of age, race, class, gender, ethnicity, sex and disability is rife amongst the employed and unemployed alike, unemployment creates further segregation amongst these already stratified people. This essay will look at unemployment from the functional and conflict theory perspective, as well how four main institutions (family, education, government and health) are affected by unemployment. It will also look at Karl Marx and Emile Durkheim and their contribution to sociology and the theory of functionalism and conflict. Unemployment affects almost everyone to some degree during their lives, th e need to understand how we can deal with the issue is becoming critically important to society as a whole. Functionalist Theory Function is an unclear term, often used by orthodox sociologists to define the logical and social place of roles, institutions and structures in terms of the production and reproductionof a society as a social system as in the idea that the function of the family is to socialise new members of society (Bessant Watts, 1999). Functionalists believe everything serves a specific function in our society and these functions need to be understood. Everyone has a role to fill in this functional society, in other words we need to have stratification so as everyone has a purpose. Functionalists are very boundaried and thin within the square. For this theory to really work, there needs to be a consensus amongst the individuals that make up society, they need to believe everything is in the best interest of this so called utopia. There is obviously no conflict of interest. This does not seem possible in this modern age, so can functionalism still be considered a plausible theory. It does of course have its merits, yes everything does have its function, but these functions are up for a degree of interpretation and change. Unfortunately functionalism does not explain change except in a gradual evolutionary way. Conflict Theory Conflict theory is a body of theories including marxism, which claims that all social orders are fractured by social conflict, typically between classes and other groups, over control of valued resources including wealth, power and property (Bessant Watts, 1999). Conflict theorists believe that conflict is the basis of social order and that a minority of people with power are able to impose their will over others. There is a conflict of interest, people have different goals and purpose. They will use whatever means to gain this, even to the detriment of others in their society. Those with more power and money have the ability to gain a higher level of services by the main institutions in our society (such as education and health), thus creating a greater level of stratification in society. This in turn creates more conflict as those who cannot get the services they need turn to deviant or dependant methods to gain the same baisc needs. Unfortunately it is a vicious circle which cont inues to breed contempt from both sides of the fence in our society. Durkheim Durkheim (1858-1917) was one of the original founding fathers of positivist sociology (functional theory), his concern was how to preserve society. The basis for social order (how society hung together and worked over time) was not economic but moral for Durkheim, expressed in the type of solidarity that a society exhibited (Willis,1999). Durkheim was particularly concerned to distinguish social facts, which he sometimes described as states of the collective mind, from the forms these states assumed when manifested through private individual minds. This distinction is most obvious in cases of customs, moral and legal rights and religious beliefs etc. Marx For Karl Marx (1818-1883), the transformation had to be understood primarily as a change in the economic structure of societies; a change in the means by which economic production was organised from a system called feudalism to one called capitalism (Willis 1999). Marx was a man looking to understand society, he followed many different paths and was alienated many times for his ideas. His theories on value and surplus value, accumulation, exploitation, pauperization, crisis and appropriation, class struggle and revolution made no immediate impact on the workers movement, until after his death in 1883 (Rius 1999). Unemployment We are entering a new phase in world history one in which fewer and fewer and fewer workers will be needed to produce the goods and services for the global populationFor the whole of the modern era, peoples worth has been measured by the market value of their labournow new ways of defining human worth and social relationships will need to be explored (Rifkin 1996). Life has changed, globalization and feminism have had a huge impact on the work environment around the world. Technology has also made many jobs redundant. Unemployment has become an issue allaround the globe, explanations of this phenomenom are plenty. How does unemployment serve a purpose, or is it just another chance for the powerful to stamp on those with less power? The government views the unemployment situation as an idividual problem. It is due to the lack of training of the individual, they now make people have training to continue to get unemployment benefits. This is a great idea as far as keeping the individua l busy and increasing the self-esteem and knowledge, but what then? We are now creating alot of qualified people for positions which dont exist. We need to look at why there are not enough positions to employ these individuals. If it is not lack of skills, then what is it? Could it be that they government or us as a society are not doing enough to promotebusiness in Australia, instead sending our work load overseas for cheaper labour. We need to look at why the positions are non existant rather than assuming it is the individuals fault. Unemployment affects our society in so many ways. The four main institutions I am looking at are family, education, health and government. Firstly the family, unemployment places added financial and mental strain on the family. The lack of income can cause many families to have to live without the basic necessities which we take for granted, they then need to turn to welfare agencies in order to survive. Lack of income also means children often have to miss out on school activities and sports programs as the family budget can no longer stretch the distance. This monetary strain can cause breakdown in both the individual and family. This can turn in domestic violence, alcoholism, gambling, family dysfunction and even suicide. Unemployment has such wide ranging affects on family life. Alcoholism, smoking, the illegal use of drugs and crime are associated with unemployment (Makkai 1994).This can then be made even more significant when their is further stratification caused by age, disability, ethnicity, gender, sex, class and race. For example, if your race was one that expected the men to work and the wife to stay at home and raise the children. When you become unemployed, you may lose your standing as both a husband and member of your community, as you can no longer provide appropriately for your family. Each of these aspects further increases the impact of unemployment. Secondly, there is education. Public versus private is already a hotly argued issue, do children get a better education from private or public education. This is not an issue for Australians who cannot afford the private education system. It is still a struggle though to pay for books, uniforms, excursions, camps and other school activities. Add in unemployment and the issue becomes even harder. If you currently have your children in private education and become unemployed, you may not be able to meet the financial demands. Taking your child out of their school and changing them to the public education system can then be very traumatic for everyone involved. Once again add any of the other stratification issues mentioned before and the situation can become very volatile. You may have certain reasons for attending special schools, if then cannot afford to maintain this situation what happens to your child. For example, a special school for your disabled child, mainstream public school may not be able to handle your childs disability. Your child is then left in a situation which is detrimental to their well being. Thirdly, government, unemployment is such a hot issue with voters that the government must be seen to be doing as much as they can to help the situation. They are always making promises to decrease the unemployment rate, unfortunately the unmployment rate does not really give an accurate picture of how many people are out of work. It is only those who are registered as looking for work. The government provides welfare and training for unemployed but they do not seem to see the bigger picture. The government also creates stratification by having different payments and services for different races, rather than basing services provided on an individual needs basis. For example, Austudy and Abstudy. Finally, health system, the health system is hit hard by unemployment especially with the drop in bulk billing. Many unemployed people cannot afford to go to a non-bulk billing doctor so instead go into their local emergency department. This is causing congestion in the emergency department. There is also an increase of illness (mental and physical) and suicide amongst the unemployed. This is creating a huge draw on our medicare and health system. Those on low incomes or unemployed cannot afford to have private health insurance, so are therefore no getting all the help they need. We are creating a system where people are leaving illnesses and injuries until they are quite serious due to the fact that they cannot afford to see a specialist. We will now look at what the functionalists and the conflict theorists say about it. Unemployment (Functionalism) Functionalists believe unemployment serves a purpose in society. We need unemployment in our society, it plays its own part. For all those who are or have been unemployed, it is hard to see how it can possibly be good for society, part of the master plan. Unemployment creates so much misery and further increases the problem of stratification. Those in the underprivileged class have to rely on government handouts, which only creates further poverty as those people struggle to make ends meet. This in turn affects the family structure by adding extra money pressures. This is the point though, unemployed people create work for centrelink staff, welfare agencies, counsellors and keep cheap discount stores in work. It also maintains that there will always be someone to take the menial jobs that others dont want. Those lower classed people will do the jobs others wont. We need the divisions to make sure there are people to cover all types of places in society. Unemployment (Conflict Theory) Conflict theorists see unemployment as more evidence of those in a powerful or priviledged position taking advantage of others. Power is the emphasis is an employment situation, while employed you have a certain amount of power, both over your work environment and your own life. Once unemployed you become powerless, reliant on the government to provide you an income. Once in this position, an individual is likely to take a job which is below their abilities and for less pay, just so as to be earning an income. The difference in class and standing continues to increase. Those with money, do not need to stoop to this type of position, they can instead wait until an appropriate job comes up or they can indulge in further education to improve their position even more. Conclusion Unemployment plays are major part in our society, its affects are wide reaching. The implication that unemployment is an individual problem due to lack of skills, only seeks to increase the problem. The idea that who we are is depicted by what we do as a job, creates further stratification of our society. Long-term unemployment has been shown to be one of the most important contributors to domestic violence and other forms of crime, as well as psychological illness and suicide (Baker 1993). Whether we look at unemployment from a functional or conflict perspective, there is no right or wrong answer. We need to look at it from both perspectives to get a better idea of the situation, and then to look at possible ways of dealing with the issue. There will always be unemployment due to changes in the environment, whether they are biological or technological. For this reason further insights into how society deals with unemployment is necessary. Stratification is a principal aspect of the evolution of a societys social identity, when this is compounded with unemployment, alienation and dysfunction becomes a consequence.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Catcher In The Rye :: essays research papers

CATCHER IN THE RYE The book, Catcher in the Rye, has been steeped in controversy since it was banned in America after its first publication. John Lennon’s assassin Mark Chapman, asked the former Beatle to sign a copy of the book earlier in the morning of the day he murdered Lennon. Police found the book in his possession upon apprehending the psychologically disturbed Chapman. However, the book itself contains nothing that might have lead Chapman to act as he did. It could have been just any book that he was reading the day he decided to kill John Lennon and as a result, it was the Catcher in the Rye, a book describing a nervous breakdown, that caused the media to speculate widely about the possible connection. This gave the book even more recognition. The character Holden Caulfield ponders the thoughts of death, accuses ordinary people of being phonies, and expresses his love for his sister through out the novel. So what is the book Catcher in the Rye really about? Superficially the story of a young man getting expelled from another school, the Catcher in the Rye is, in fact, a perceptive study of one individual’s understanding of his human condition. Holden Caulfield, a teenager growing up in 1950’s, New York, has been expelled from school for poor achievement once again. In an attempt to deal with this he leaves school a few days prior to the end of term, and goes to New York to take a vacation before returning to his parents’ inevitable irritation. Told as a monologue, the book describe Holden’s thoughts and activities over these few days, during which he describes a developing nervous breakdown. This was evident by his bouts of unexplained depression, impetuous spending and generally odd, erratic behavior, prior to his eventual nervous collapse. Some critics have argued that Holden’s character is erratic and unreliable, as he has many of the middle-class values that he claims to reject. Later on critics began to have praised the twisted humor of the main character. These critics have commented that the structure of the novel helps you understand Holden’s unstable state of mind. Alastair best remarked: "There is a hard, almost classical structure underneath Holden’s rambling narrativ. The style, too, appears effortless; yet one wonders how much labor went into those artfully rough-hewn sentences" (qtd. in Davis 318) A large field of critics took a positive view of the novel.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

MEMO strategy

This memo explains the strategy that I will apply to implement the communication situation of the case 5. Audience The audience for the message is the immediate superior, and therefore it is more effective to use memo to communicate with him or her. The reason is because memo is more formal and less personal than a letter or email. This is able to create the semblance of a valid business concern based on data and studies as opposed to a letter, be it hand or type written, which conveys sentiments and passion and is not regarded as authoritative. Purpose The general purpose of the message is to persuade. In order to be able to do this effectively, it must be shown that there is a valid business concern that needs to be addressed. The use of a memo, as mentioned earlier, gives the appearance of official correspondence devoid of any feelings and sentiments, which are usually not considered when making business decisions. Associated essay: Sample Memo for Company Team Building In order to convince the superior, there is a need to downplay personal convictions while at the same time express this as a valid business concern that is normally addressed in day to day business matters. Therefore, memo is the most often used means of accomplishing this in any corporate structure. Content The general tone that must be used in this memo is a formal business tone. The superior needs to understand the relevance of the matter in relation to business and company performance. This is why a business tone, which avoids conversational language, must be used. Structure Finally, since this will be addressed to a superior, the memo must avoid a direct and confrontational approach while maintaining its authoritativeness.   Before beginning, a buffer can be used to improve the way the superior will handle the situation and perhaps be able to get the desired outcome.   The first few sentences should already outline the problem that will be faced and the potential cost, which helps get the boss’s attention. By the end, it must be made clear to the boss what action must be taken.   The memo must also take care as not to appear as if it is attacking the superior or severely criticizing his decision and this can be achieved by adding a buffer at the beginning. Based on the analysis of this communication situation, I will use a memo as an effective medium to solve this case. To:  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Brad Pitt, Executive Director From:  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Hayeon Jung, Project Head Date:  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   November 13, 2006 Subject:  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Extended Warranties and Sales training We have recently received news which may be vital to the profitability of our extended warranty sales and after a careful study of our proposed actions regarding the sales training program for extended warranties, I believe that it may be in our best interests to come up with an alternative approach regarding this matter.   Based on my studies, this has the potential to be very risky move for the company because of the lower sales of all company products due to the anticipated consumer backlash to this marketing strategy. Business Week, a widely read business magazine, is publishing an article on extended warranties, and it makes specific mention of the fact that half of the warranty price goes to the salesperson as a commission and that only 20 percent of the total amount customers pay for warranties eventually goes to product repair. Early failures are usu ­ally covered by manufacturers' warranties, and the extended warranties we are selling are designed to cover that middle part of the life span. In other words, many extended warranties cover the period of time during which consumers are least likely to need them and offer no coverage when consumers need them most. While extended warranties present profitable margins for the company, the resulting consumer backlash from this article could potentially reduce sales for all of the company’s products. With the current sales training lined up, more aggressive marketing for extended warranties will send the wrong signal to the consumers. Furthermore, the potential threat of added media exposure caused by the article in Business Week could threaten the sales projections for the company. It is strongly recommended that the plan to continue the sales training be ceased.   Doing so will reduce any overhead costs and training expenses that may be incurred from the implementation of the training program. Moreover, alternative marketing strategies such as using the Business Week article to the advantage of the company can be formulated instead of the sales training. I strongly believe that our company has a great future under your leadership as we continually explore ways to strengthen the relationship between the customers and the company. Hayeon jung Customer Service Manager

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

School Legal Issue Plan

The safety and security of the students are a major concern for our schools; especially elementary campuses. The dismissal routine at Cook elementary school is in need of revamping to a higher level of security. Each campus principal makes the decision on the dismissal procedure. Across the nation, there are numerous students who are mistakenly handed over to the wrong parent or adult or just simply come up missing from their school campus. In recent years, there have been several incidents in which the students were either handed over to the wrong person, or left the school without the staff knowing how they left.The safety of the students during dismissal should be a concerned just like it is during the instructional time of the school day. The current dismissal is the bus riders are dismissed and are expected to meet the assigned staff member at the end of the hall. Shortly after the bus riders depart, the walkers are to lineup and report to the multi-purpose room to be released. Finally, the car riders are escorted by their homeroom teacher to north side of the building where parents are able to drive-up to pick up their child(ren). Some parents have car rider numbers and some just ask for the students by name. Often times this routine is quite chaotic; especially when there is inclement weather.There have been a couple of times in which parents inquire as to how their child was released from school. Either the parent forgot to send a note or the student forgot to give it to teacher or front office. When a parent/guardian calls to check on how their child left for the day, there should be a better way to inform the parent/guardian that the child either rode a bus, walked, or was picked up via car. In 2010, at a Dallas elementary school, a kindergarten student was handed over to the wrong adult, but the incident ended well because the person returned to the school with the child. This current school year, a little girl left with one of her classmate’s mother without permission from the parents.These events cause panic among the families as well as cost the  cities and counties money because of police involvement. Although I would rather have a false alarm, than to not contact authority and have a bigger issue on hand. In light of these events, extra security measures should be implemented in an effort to avoid such incidents. This requires the involvement of all administrators, teachers, and staff to do their part to ensure safe return of all students to their homes at the end of the school day. This unit will explain in detail procedures that can be implemented to avoid handing a student to the wrong person. Suggested dismissal procedure implementation plan:Notification of dismissal routineColor code each grade levelEach student is assigned a dismissal ticket number.Exit ticket and bagsCar rider numbersTeacher creates a spreadsheet identifying students dismissal routineStages of dismissalExit tickets2nd and 3rd notification t o parents, students, and staff of the new dismissal procedure. ïÆ'ËœPTOEffective dateAccountabilityNotification of change in dismissal routineA week before the change in the dismissal routine, parents/guardians will receive notice of the upcoming change as well as a form to complete stating how their child(ren) are to be dismissed from school. The notice will clearly state that although the child(ren) may be designated as a bus rider or walker, he or she will still receive an assigned number for dismissal. The notice will also state that whenever there is a change in how the student is to leave school, a written note signed by parent/guardian must be sent to the school.Color code each grade levelEach grade level will be assigned a specific color in an effort to quickly identify the grade level of students at the end of the day. There are times when dismissal is chaotic and if the students have their dismissal tickets in hand, staff members can easily identify where the student belo ngs if he or she becomes separated from the class. In addition, the dismissal areas will be color coded for the assigned grade levels to wait for their dismissal.Dismissal ticket numbersEach student will be assigned a dismissal number which will be tied to that student’s name. Regardless of the number of siblings attending the same school, each will have his or her own number. The reasoning to avoid assigning one dismissal number for each family is because there could be a family member absent that day and it would be hard to track if there is one or two or more members per family as well as which student is absent. It is much safer for each student to have his or her own number because it is easier to account for that student.These assigned numbers, which will be color coded based on grade level along with the student’s assigned homeroom teacher’s first initial and last name becomes that student’s exit ticket. Placing the teacher’s name on the stu dent’s assigned number makes it quicker to track the student’s movement. As the student leaves school for the day, he or she will place their exit ticket in the appropriate exit bag.Car rider numbersThere will be two sets of numbers, one index card size for the students as an exit ticket and one letter paper size to be given to parents to identify which student he or she is picking up by placing the number in the front window. The color code will identify the grade level and the number identifies the student. The parents must display this number in their window when picking up their child(ren).Exit tickets and bagsThe color coded assigned numbers will serve as the student’s exit from school. These tickets are laminated to withstand long-term usage. There will be an exit bag for each method of dismissal; early departure, bus dismissal, walkers, and car riders. A designated staff member will collect the exit tickets as the students depart. The next school day, the tickets are separated by designated staff and returned to the teachers.SpreadsheetThe teacher for each class room will create a spreadsheet identifying how each student goes home at the end of the day. The spreadsheet should include: bus riders, walkers, and car riders. In the event the teacher is absent, the spreadsheet is visibly posted for a substitute to know how the students are dismissed.Stages of dismissalThe bell will continue to be the signal for the end of the school day. The students will be dismissed by the way they go home. The bus riders, which include district, private, and day care buses, will be dismissed first. These students will be escorted and supervised by designated staff members. As each student departs, each will drop his or her exit ticket into the exit bag. After about 5 minutes, the walkers will be escorted by assigned staff and released at the appointed doors(s). After giving the walkers about 5 minutes to depart, the car riders will be escorted to the designated pick-up zone to release students to parents. The teachers will carry their spreadsheet with them which indicates the students’ dismissal numbers. As the teachers and other staff members escort the students to their vehicles he/she will collect the students’ exit tickets to be placed in the exit bag for car riders.Notification of new dismissal routineUpon the onset of working on the new dismissal routine, the parents will receive a newsletter from the school notifying them of the upcoming change. A week before the implementation of the new routine another newsletter is sent home stating the date the change will take effect. The final notice of the change will be issued on a Friday before the Monday the new routine becomes official. The parents will receive notification of the upcoming change at least 3 times in an effort to prepare them for the change. In addition, the teachers will prepare the students for the change in the dismissal routine to help them tra nsition as smoothly as possible.PTOThe members of the Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) will play a very important role of getting the word out to parents/guardians of the new dismissal routine. The PTO will help to address any concerns or questions related to the new dismissal routine. In addition, whenever possible, the PTO will help in separating and returning the exit tickets to the designated teachers.Effective dateThe effective date for the new dismissal routine should take place on a Monday. This will allow parents/guardians to make the necessary adjustments in their routines. In addition, with proper notification the parents/guardians will have time to pose any questions or concerns they may have with the administration.AccountabilityThe implementation of the new dismissal routine should prove to be a less stressful way to monitor and know how each student leaves the campus. The teacher for each homeroom is responsible for ensuring his/her students are dismissed as requested by the parents. In addition, the teachers should ensure there is a form returned for each student in their homeroom.ConclusionIn conclusion, whereas this may not be a perfect plan, it will provide some extra security measures in helping the students to depart the school as the parents/guardians desire as well as provide a checkpoint to quickly determine how a student left campus during dismissal. There may be some confusion the first couple of days, but that is to be expected. However, if the plan is followed as set, the kinks will work themselves out. What is most important is the security and protection of our students.